Thursday, September 23, 2010
Autumnal Equinox
Yesterday, my son and I noticed an article about the Autumnal Equinox (Sept. 23) and it started a discussion in our homeschool that went on for over an hour! It was great! We read and learned about the seasons and how specific dates during the year mark those special beginnings; the earth's rotations and how that affect the seasons; the fact that this is the only time of year when the earth is straight up and not tilted; and finished with God's creation of the world to be that detailed and specific. It was a great way to start our day!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Fall is here!
Labor Day came and went with crazy weather changes! All across the U.S. I heard of rain, thunderstorms, hurricanes, hot weather in the 3 digits and then followed by cooler weather in the 60's! I think California set a record for the coolest beginning to September ever! Makes me wonder what this winter is going to be like. My son's football team, the Seminoles, are getting ready for their first game of the season this Saturday. I will be doing the newsletter again this year and will send it out bi-weekly with game highlights and photos. Go Seminoles!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
New Beginnings
It has been a wild and crazy ride these last few weeks! Football season started and that is a 6-days a week commitment; we started homeschooling--it has had its ups and downs, mostly because of transitioning from a school setting to learning at home. My son is having to learn how to think for himself instead of having someone tell him how to do things; he's learning how to problem-solve; learning new skills; how to take instruction from his mom; etc.! It's a work in progress, but we both love the time together and freedom to learn things he couldn't in school (especially the fact that he gets to choose a lot of subjects to learn about and spend time exploring them!). We're both looking forward to the great experiences ahead as well as the new challenges.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Where did the summer go?
I can't believe it is near the end of the first week in August!! It has been very busy now that football season has started--my son practices 6 days a week, 2 hours a day; we have had equipment pick-up day; parent meeting; and we're trying to get ready for school starting next week; and then, of course, there's finishing up the editing on my latest book! No wonder I seem to have missed some time somewhere along the line! To top things off, I got a 2nd degree burn on my leg a couple of days ago from getting too close to the exhaust pipe of the truck as we unloaded my son's football gear! Better me than him! It actually made a kind of cool crescent moon shape on my leg-almost like a tattoo! Won't be doing that trick again! Well, I guess I better get back to work--the book won't finish itself and I'm anxious to get it done! I believe it will help a lot of people. At least that's my intention. Have a great summer's end everyone!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
San Diego
Leaving right after football camp Friday night to go to San Diego for a family reunion and my dad's birthday. He's 73 and still hanging in there. It will be fun to see everyone--haven't seen my daughter and grandson for a month and I really miss them. My parents went with us to Lake Tahoe earlier this month so that was nice. It is going to be busy this weekend though, supposed to be getting our SUV, doing the reunion, and Ryan will miss equipment pick-up for football, as well as the last day of camp. Oh well, we'll just have to work around things and make-up time. Meanwhile, we'll enjoy the beach down at Mission Bay Saturday and have fun with family! Hope it's good weather--oh yeah, I almost forgot--it's southern California! :)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Change is near
We are coming to the end of July already and I'm having to plan ideas to start off our new school year! We have a lot going on in our house--getting an SUV in the next week, starting to homeschool, expecting finances to make a positive change upward, and looking for a new home in the mountain community about 40 min. north of where we are now! All things I'm looking forward to but at the same time, stressful. Doctors say some stress is good for you, though. I believe this is the good kind. Everything is happening between now and Labor Day weekend, including my finishing my next book and getting started on the publishing road with that! Wow! I am glad I know my God is in control of all this because I don't know how I could handle it without Him. Well, the weekend is upon us and I'm looking forward to a bit of relaxation. . .I hope! :) At least it will be an enjoyable one! Hope everyone stays safe.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Someone told me today that with the way the world is today, and he proceeded to give examples of negative situations such as terrorists, devaluation of the dollar, high unemployment, etc., that there is no hope for the world. I was so sad to hear him say that because what is there for all of us then?; what do we tell our children-that there is no happy future for you? How do you go on and why would you want to if there is no hope? I immediately prayed for him, for that is a man who does not know God, or even worse, has given up on God. God is hope; He is there for us all the time; He is our eternity. We have a short time on earth and forever with Him. He is our hope and with Him, we can get through the most difficult times. Without Him, the man was right, there is no hope. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Acts 16:31
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Mid-Summer Blues
I just can't believe it is mid-July! School will be starting in a month for most kids; My son and I are homeschooling and so we basically learn all throughout the year. Right now, besides finishing up editing the book I'm working on (Think Your Way To Success!), my son has started football, and we're making plans to move to the mountain communities just north of Santa Clarita. I can hardly wait to get back to living in the mountain regions. Haven't ever been to that area but I have lived in several mountain communities before and really miss it. My son and I are going up there this coming weekend to look at some properties and check out the area. I will make sure to take pictures!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Reading is actually fun!
For all of you skeptics out there-anytime is a good time to read! Take today for instance, it has been in the triple digits for the last 2-3 days so outside time is limited to mornings and evenings unless you're a lizard! Perfect for finding a good book and stretching out on the sectional (or swinging in one of those hanging chairs-I've got to get me one of those!) with a cold glass of iced tea. I've started reading a great book by Dr. Don Colbert, The Seven Pillars of Health. It is fantastic! He has written many series of health books on general and specific topics. Check his books out on! You can search him out right here on my site if you scroll down midways. He is a very intelligent man and has a lot of good stuff to tell you that will keep you and your family in great health! Before I go, I want to leave you with a little jewel of a thought: "In order to do something, you must be something." Goethe
Thursday, July 15, 2010
One Thing
My next book is near completion (Think Your Way To Success)and pre-orders will be available in the near future! I will be listing workshop events, seminars, and speaking engagement dates as they come closer starting next month. Meanwhile, keep this in mind: It only takes one person to do one thing to make a positive difference in the world. What is your 'one thing' going to be today?
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
With temperatures in the 90's and 100's, it is even more important to be careful of flammable materials, campfires, cigarettes, matches, and electrical appliances. Fires are sprouting up frequently all over the nation. Today in Santa Clarita, I could smell the smoke from one not too far away. Brush is dry and quick to catch on fire, so please everyone, make good and careful choices. Save lives!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Home Again
It was nice to get back home after crossing the hot Mojave desert yesterday, but I really missed the smell of the pine trees and warm mountain dirt this morning as I sipped my hot tea. Looking out to the sea of houses in our neighborhood and listening to the rumble of cars and trucks as people made their way to work left me with a feeling of sadness. I enjoyed gazing at the tall, old pines and the snow-topped mountains sitting around the edge of the lake. The temperature was a satisfying 68-80 degrees during the day and a light breeze in the afternoons. Being able to see nature at it's best wasn't too shabby either (a coyote wandering the meadow stream, chipmunks and squirrels all about, an occasional bunny, and of course the two bear sightings-one crossing the street between our cabin and the cabin next door, and then one wandering through a neighborhood and sitting down to wait as we watched him from 12' away)!! I've made up my mind to do what I've wanted to do for years--move to the mountains. Not to Lake Tahoe (too far from friends and family), but to a neighboring group of mountain communities only 30-45 minutes away from where we are now! I'm going to make some day trips up there over the next month and find out more about the area. I'll keep you all informed. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy some of the pictures from the trip!
Friday, July 9, 2010
We Come To The End
As we come to the last couple of days, thoughts of departure creep in. We've enjoyed a couple of days of summer thunderstorms that brought about 30 minutes of booming thunder and 15 min. of light sprinkles off and on! It smelled wonderful as it mixed with the warm scent of mountain dirt and pine. The morning was spent at the beach by the lake enjoying the gorgeous mountain views and sparkling lake. Flocks of geese meandered up and down the shoreline hoping for handouts. My son and I ventured out into the water only to be turned back by the icy coldness! I don't know how those other people could stand to wade out and swim! Saw another male bear, this time about 10 feet from the road crossing through a clearing and into a neighborhood! He actually stopped and sat down so we could get pictures but it was getting dark so the pictures didn't come out very well. My sister is trying to edit them to make them lighter, so we'll see! I'll put them up on Monday. Until then, everyone have a safe weekend!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tahoe Woes
Well, got here in Lake Tahoe Saturday, July 3. It was a gorgeous day! The lake and tall pine trees are magnificent and the snow-splashed mountains really made my day. The house we rented was not all it was advertised to be--they used a wide-angle lens to make it appear larger than it was. It was a small 1 bedroom, 1 bath with a loft( a small portion of the loft was sectioned off to make it appear to be another bedroom!)! Talk about cramped! At least we're not here for too long of a period of time. Mostly we spent time hiking, shopping, dropping in on the casinos, golfing (my son broke the head off a club and sent it sailing 150'!)and riding around the lake. We even saw a male bear 2 houses down from ours as he crossed the street to go check out the trash possibilities! I was sad to find out that internet service is sketchy--I was not able to get it the times I tried the last few days. Hopefully, I will be able to post at least once over the next few days before we leave Sunday. It's off to the beach tomorrow, then to go miniature golfing!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Lake Tahoe
Well, we're in the final preparations for our camping trip! Leaving in an hour or so. Six family members and three dogs--Woo Hoo! Here we come! I hope everybody has a wonderful and safe 4th of July! I will be taking my laptop so I can post each day as we will be gone for 10 days. Happy Weekend and I'll talk to all of you Monday!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Parenting Boys
My son is 10...he does it very well! I am learning that what "experts" say is true: parenting boys is different from parenting girls. I'm sure those of you in the same boat will agree. I raised a girl and she was tough in the beginning, softening in her late teens, and then settled into a wonderful young woman now raising her own child--a boy. My son has been the opposite; he was the sweetest child you could ever imagine. He had great manners, always happy, full of energy, and smart as a whip. He was always ready to please. Then he started school. I think someone took my child and exchanged him for someone else! He was still smart and full of energy, but all of a sudden, he began to be a little more independent than I was comfortable with. Let's just say he brought home more than homework! He began showing a stubborn streak and bit of a temper that reminded me all too much of his sister (and father!). He's still happy-go-lucky, most of the time; and still likes to help out and please others, if he's not busy doing other things! He has definitely come to the age when a boy changes from being a small child to becoming a young man. I'm not ready for this! I did some research and found out that boys can be more sensitive and attached to mom than girls, at least until they are teens. I also found out that boys require, and want, more discipline and affirmations that they are doing well. They need to know things are okay and they are loved. My son is definitely getting that-all of that! Maybe I'm not doing too bad after all. :)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Nothing like friends
Everyone needs good friends. They lift you up when clouds of doubt sweep by; remind you you're a winner when second thoughts creep inside your head; and allow you the chance to bring over the Pistachio Pudding they really love when they're sick in bed. The world would be a very lonely place without them, so share the love and be a friend to someone you know, or don't know! It doesn't cost anything but it's priceless to have.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Pit Stop
I'm back home for a few days; have been down in San Diego County doing some work and visiting family. Arrived back home yesterday afternoon to find loads of work to catch up on. . .and a broken dishwasher! When the guys came to replace it today, they opened the box to find the machine was dented! I'm sure glad my son knows how to wash dishes! :) Luckily, they will be bringing a new one Thursday, right before I leave town on Friday! Friday afternoon, my son and I will be heading out of town to Lake Tahoe for a week and a half--a working vacation with family! My goal is to get at least 30 pages written for the book I'm currently writing. I'll be posting from there and will include pictures now and then as well. Until tomorrow, enjoy your summer and don't be shy! I enjoy reading people's comments to my posts and what is happening in your life.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Wow! I had no idea that my 'vacation' here in San Diego County would have been taking up so much time that I just couldn't get to a computer to write! No Wi-Fi and only 2 computers in the house where I'm staying=not enough time. I've been on the go since I got here last weekend! When I'm here at the house, so is everybody else so I feel obligated to visit and participate in the activities going on. Anyone else ever have that problem? I have 4 days left and then I'm back home for 4 days, then on a road trip up North to Lake Tahoe! I will definitely have some time there, I will have my computer and they have free Wi-Fi! Getting really excited about the book coming out in late August, barring any printing difficulties. Look for more info next month! I'm off to take my son to play tennis and then we're meeting more family at a water park for the afternoon! These vacations are killers! :) Thanks for visiting and come back soon!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Juggling Work and Play
I know this is a big struggle for a lot of parents--especially if you throw in kids and pets in the mix! Today I spent half the day outside in my backyard with the dogs, working at the patio table. The carpets were getting a long overdue cleaning and then we had to wait for them to dry enough we could re-enter! It was in the 90's again so I was able to have all the windows open and 4 fans blowing in different directions to help dry the carpet faster! My son and I played a rousing game of chess (he beat me last night and today!) and then he was off to his friend's house to play until tonight. I listened to a tele-seminar about doing speaking engagements and it was very good! It will help when I start doing some next month! I spent the rest of the day working on a new book. I'm really excited about it. Look for my new eBook out in late August, Think Your Way To Success! It will help a lot of people I'm sure! Well, that's all for today! I'll be back tomorrow and then off to San Diego for a week (but I'll be posting from there!). Yeah!!!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Changing our thinking leads to success
I've been studying the mind and how it works (with the help of some great mentors like Bob Proctor, Robert G. Allen, Jack Canfield, etc.), and it is amazing what I've learned! It has inspired my next eBook: Think Your Way To Success! Did you know that whatever we think is what we can be? I will be sharing more about that idea later. Just imagine what you could be! The book will be out in August so I will let all of you know the exact date as it gets closer. I will be doing some more radio interviews, newspaper interviews/reviews, as well as perhaps a TV spot or two! Also, some book events. It will be very exciting! Of course, next month I will start putting some excerpts from the book here for all of you to read. Hopefully it will entice you to buy it and read the whole book! It will definitely change your life for the positive. I will be offering some freebies, special offers, and an invitation to something very special, so keep coming back to visit. See you soon!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Puppy Kisses
So I really tried to reschedule how I was going to combine working on writing, bible study, taking care of dogs and kids, and still be sane by this time tonight (8PM); didn't really happen. Besides being in the 90's again (OK, I know this is summer in Southern California!), a sprinkler head in the backyard decided to combine its power and shoot upward and out like a waterfall, then head down the hill and make a pool around the covered swing! It was a lovely idea-I like waterfalls-but the plants on the hill would have appreciated some water a little more. With all the distractions, I did manage to get some writing done and research for some articles, thanks to some puppy kisses reminding me I'm loved! I am freelancing for Bright Hub on their Family Channel--look for my articles, Youth Football: Seven Reasons Why You Should Let Your Child Play and Ten Great Gift Ideas For Kids. Let me know what you think. Thanks! Hope you enjoy them. I'll be writing for the Education Channel as well so look for those next week. Have a great day tomorrow and remember, each day is a new beginning to create something fresh and be a blessing to someone!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Change is not easy
Today was the first day of summer vacation for most kids, mine included, and it was difficult getting used to doing what I'm used to doing everyday, my schedule, and having it changed because I don't have to be up at a certain time to get him to school, don't have to check homework, didn't have to send in papers or sign anything. It was different. We had decided to get up at 6:00 each morning and go on a 2 mile walk with the dogs, then everybody would have breakfast when we got back. After that, usually housework and such would get done and then I would do my bible study, and then get to work on my writing/marketing tasks for the day. Somehow, it didn't quite work out--as you can see, I didn't get around to blogging until now! I did get some work done off and on but with more distractions, it is going to require some rescheduling. Tomorrow is another day and a chance to get reorganized. It is nice having him home though, and I'm looking forward to the 2 summer trips we have planned over the next month (talk about having to reschedule!). Here's to the first week of summer!
Friday, June 11, 2010
Daily Habits
Being a writer is like anything else; to be good you must write everyday, even if it is only a few sentences. I try to follow a somewhat flexible schedule: check my emails, work on my writing (articles, book, blog), read/work on marketing, answer more emails, read/write. I've found that if you manage your time right, it is possible to get more done than if just doing things randomly or in order of what you think should be done. It is more difficult trying to keep on track when you work at home. It is amazing how things got done before! I feel like I hardly have any time to write now! Gotta go-12:30 and my son is home. Last day of school! Ahhh. Now I'm sure I'll get a lot done! :)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The End of School
Glorious are the days when school ends and summer begins! It is like the end to a long and tedious job that one had to finish before retiring. Now, kids will fall into that week-long slump of laziness as they try to decompress before being able to enjoy the long, sunny days! I'm looking forward to spending a lot of time with my family: going camping, doing crafts, writing, exploring new places, going to the beach, and of course-football! My son is trying out for quarterback on his youth football team as they enter their summer mini-camp for two weeks. He'll find out next week! This is his 4th year in youth football and it is his passion. I look forward to it as well, as we near the beginning of the season. It will officially start in mid-July with a two-week conditioning camp (after our trip to Lake Tahoe!) and the official draft. Then it is 6 weeks of 6 consecutive days of practice, Monday-Saturdays, leading up to the regular season of games after Labor Day. The season ends in mid-November, unless the team goes to play-offs. It ends the first week or so of December with the Super Bowl. That's right, they have a championship Super Bowl, and if you are from Ohio or Texas, let me tell you--here in Santa Clarita, California we rival the two of you as far as youth football being a popular sport! So go Warrior Seminoles! Here's to a great summer and a great season!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Everyone's healthy, things are going pretty smoothly, life is good! I have a feeling of peace and contentment today, as if God is giving me a reminder of the blessings I have. As a writer, I get the advantage of making my own schedule (apart from certain commitments I make) which means today I am able to attend my son's end of the year party and have lunch with him, then back home to work for a few hours, then play for an hour or so with him after school before he goes to football practice, then I'm off with a friend to a wine and food event at All Corked Up. Should be a fun time. They are offering tastings of Australian wines tonight (I didn't know Australia had any particular wines!); go figure! After that, I should be able to get in an hour or so of reading before bed. Yes, I make time for reading as it gets my creative juices going. Of course, I usually end up reading books about writing, but what can I say? Hope everyone has a great sunny day!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Vacation? Writer's don't take vacations!
I've been told being a writer is a gift; but as many of you know, being a writer means you come up with ideas all the time (at least I do!), you're writing all the time, and when you are not writing you are marketing! This means we don't take vacations. When we "go on vacation", we are collecting ideas for writing and working on our night! Writing isn't a 9-5 job. We are our own boss (if you don't count the publishers, editors, or readers!)and we decide our schedule, but that doesn't mean we don't think about writing. My mind constantly processes ideas that I have to write down in my notebook (I have 4 notebooks that do 4 different jobs related to my writing). These ideas don't stop just because I go to a different location and take part in activities I don't usually take part in on a daily basis! It's a good thing I love to write, otherwise this so-called gift would be considered a curse! Hey, there's an idea...a story about a writer who feels cursed because he/she can't finish a project because they are constantly being distracted by the flooding of ideas for other stories! Gee, better write it down in my Idea Notebook! (Idea #78):)
Monday, June 7, 2010
Download available!
The technical difficulties go on! Why is it people form online companies that you can't reach when you have questions?! Everything is linked to an autoresponder, including a contact us button! It is very frustrating. I contacted 2 autoresponder companies last week trying to get a download button on my site. Do you think I could get this done? Noooo; one didn't contact me in order to complete the registration process and the other gave me my html code but it didn't work! Of course, when I tried to get a hold of them I couldn't find a 'body' to respond; I only received auto response emails seeing if everything was working!!! At least I didn't pay anything out of pocket. I finally uploaded my own link so now if you go to the left of my blog page, you will see the link that says Get Your Free Download Here! Click on the url below it and it will take you to my free eBook which you can read or download and print off. Thanks for your patience and yes, there will be more eBooks coming out at later dates, as well as children's books hitting the market starting this August! Thanks for visiting and see you tomorrow!
Friday, June 4, 2010
What a week!!!
Yesterday was the last day to enter the contest about bullying. Four winners were chosen from among the entries and they are: 5-7yr.olds-Jessie Rodriguez; 8-10yr.olds-Ryan Harley; 11-13yr.olds-Issibelle Sutaya; and the 14-16yr.olds-Peter Grayson. Great job everyone that entered! It was hard to choose. Prizes will be sent out upon return of the address confirmation. Congratulations! Today was book launch day and due to technical difficulties, the book can't be accessed! Wouldn't you know! People are working on it and hopefully, it will be able to be downloaded tomorrow! Check the site here each day and when the download button appears, it should be in working order. Great book and I know it will be a big help to all of you parents and teachers. Tomorrow I will have pictures from the book launch event where I was signing cards and giving away some freebies at Shave It ice cream store! A lot of people came by and it was a hit! It didn't hurt that it was 95 degrees here in Northern LA county! HaHa Well, have a great weekend and I'll talk to you tomorrow!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Myth #8: Children who are bullied need to learn how to deal with bullying on their own.
Certain kids have the motivation and skill set to handle a bully situation on their own, but some do not. And why would we want them to try to handle a situation they are incapable of handling?! Bullying is peer abuse and victimizes other children. Society doesn't expect victims of other forms of abuse to handle situations by themselves (child abuse, domestice abuse, etc.). It is unfair and unrealistic to expect our children to act like grown-ups when they're not. Many grown-ups do not even have the skills to handle these situations. Time to get closer to our children and start being involved in their lives! Communicate and listen to them. They don't expect too much from us--just that we care.
Today's the last day for the contest--entries have been rolling in and I can hardly wait to see who wins! Winners will be announced tomorrow on my site! Good luck everybody!
Also, tomorrow is the BIG DAY! My eBook, 12 Signs That Your Child May Be A Bully, will be available here as a FREE DOWNLOAD!!!! Get your copy right away and tell others where to get theirs! Thanks for visiting!
Today's the last day for the contest--entries have been rolling in and I can hardly wait to see who wins! Winners will be announced tomorrow on my site! Good luck everybody!
Also, tomorrow is the BIG DAY! My eBook, 12 Signs That Your Child May Be A Bully, will be available here as a FREE DOWNLOAD!!!! Get your copy right away and tell others where to get theirs! Thanks for visiting!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Myth#7: Children who become bullies are usually loners and don't have many friends.
On the contrary, children who bully others usually have a larger network of friends than the children they bully! More importantly, they tend to have a small group of friends that supports and encourages their bullying efforts. Kids that bully tend to show more leadership skills than their victims or even those kids who are not involved in bullying!
Tomorrow is the last day for the contest! Send your ideas of how you would prevent bullying to: and you may win one of 4 prizes! Also, parents and teachers, look for the free eBook coming out Friday as a download from my site: 12 Signs That Your Child May Be A Bully. For those of you in Santa Clarita, there will be a book launch event at Shave It Friday at 3:30 PM! Come and enjoy the beginning of summer!
Tomorrow is the last day for the contest! Send your ideas of how you would prevent bullying to: and you may win one of 4 prizes! Also, parents and teachers, look for the free eBook coming out Friday as a download from my site: 12 Signs That Your Child May Be A Bully. For those of you in Santa Clarita, there will be a book launch event at Shave It Friday at 3:30 PM! Come and enjoy the beginning of summer!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Myth #6: Children that are bullied will most likely tell an adult.
Adults are usually the last to know. Children for the most part will not report cases of bullying. Why? Because of fear of retaliation on the part of the bullies, or perhaps they feel the adults won't take their fears seriously or won't deal with the situation in an appropriate way. I hope that my eBook, 12 Signs That Your Child May Be A Bully, makes an impact on the problem of bullying across the nation. It comes out on Friday, June 4th as a free download from my site here, so tell everyone you know who may benefit from it. Let's get this information out and protect our children! The Stop Bullying contest ends in two more days, Thursday, June 3rd, so make sure you enter by emailing your ideas or drawings to me at: I'll announce the prizes Friday night after the book launch event in Santa Clarita!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Myth #5: Bullying is more likely to happen on the school bus than at school.
On the contrary, while some bullying does take place on the bus, it more commonly takes place at school on the playground, in the bathrooms, in the cafeteria, in the hallways, and in the classrooms. For the most part, teachers and students are unaware that the occurrances going on are even considered bullying! My thought is, if it's not positive or beneficial in some way, don't do it or say it!
Wow! Only a week left for the contest and book launch day! Things are gearing up locally as I am working with a local ice cream store to do the book launch event there! I'll be doing signings and giveaways and enjoying some ice cream! Should be a fun day! I'll post pictures and notes next weekend! Sign your kids up for the contest to win some prizes! Email a drawing or letter about how you prevent bullying to: Good luck!
Here's another funny question from Rick Frishman's Author 101 Newsletter: Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called 'rush hour'?!! Enjoy the weekend and I'll see you Monday! Happy Memorial Day!
Wow! Only a week left for the contest and book launch day! Things are gearing up locally as I am working with a local ice cream store to do the book launch event there! I'll be doing signings and giveaways and enjoying some ice cream! Should be a fun day! I'll post pictures and notes next weekend! Sign your kids up for the contest to win some prizes! Email a drawing or letter about how you prevent bullying to: Good luck!
Here's another funny question from Rick Frishman's Author 101 Newsletter: Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called 'rush hour'?!! Enjoy the weekend and I'll see you Monday! Happy Memorial Day!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Myth #4: Bullying doesn't happen at our school.
It's true that bullying occurs more frequently at certain schools than others, but it can and does happen anywhere children and youth gather. Studies show that between 15%-25% of children in the United States are bullied with some frequency and 15%-20% admit that they bully other children with some frequency during the school term. A sad state of affairs that is continuing to escalate. Our children are the future leaders. Is this what we want our country and children to become? A nation of bullies? We must address this problem now. Get all the facts as well as solutions in the FREE eBOOK download coming out next Friday, June 4th! Don't miss out on the contest--it ends next Thursday! Send in your idea or picture showing how you would help prevent bullying and a winner will be chosen from each age category (5-7, 8-10, 11-13, and 14-16)!
Here's a funny question from Rick Frishman's Author 101 Newsletter: Why is it when you're driving around looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?
Here's a funny question from Rick Frishman's Author 101 Newsletter: Why is it when you're driving around looking for an address, you turn down the volume on the radio?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Myth #3: Bullying isn't serious-it's just kids being kids.
Today is the 3rd excerpt from my eBook coming out June 4th! Bullying can be extremely serious and can affect the child being bullied by hampering the child's academic work, as well as their mental and physical health. Children who are targeted by bullies are more likely to suffer from low self-esteem and have higher rates of depression, anxiety, lonliness and suicidal thoughts. As we have witnessed in the news recently, a child that is bullied can end up suffering a tragic end. A child that bullies, usually falls into other patterns of antisocial behaviors that are violent and troubling as well. The contest about the prevention of bullying is rolling along! ENTER TODAY for your chance to win a great prize, like clothing or gift cards! Good Luck and talk to you tomorrow!
On another note, I will be doing a radio interview with Rob McConnell from 'X' Zone Radio Talk Show! It is scheduled for next Tuesday, June 1st at 11 AM Pacific time. Listen in by going to The free podcast will be available on iTunes later that day after 3 PM Pacific time. Hope you get a chance to listen in! Let me know what you think! It will be an interesting show!
On another note, I will be doing a radio interview with Rob McConnell from 'X' Zone Radio Talk Show! It is scheduled for next Tuesday, June 1st at 11 AM Pacific time. Listen in by going to The free podcast will be available on iTunes later that day after 3 PM Pacific time. Hope you get a chance to listen in! Let me know what you think! It will be an interesting show!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Myth #2: Most bullying takes a physical form.
Actually, the most common form of bullying, according to national studies, is verbal. Another common form that is seen a lot is social isolation, in which a child is forbidden to sit at certain tables, or play with certain kids, or even use the bathroom at certain times! The clock is ticking! Only 9 days left to ENTER THE CONTEST!!! Thursday, June 3rd the contest ends and I will pick one winner from each age group to receive a prize and be posted on my blog, as well as be announced at a special book launch I'm doing Friday, June 4th at Shave-It ice company in Santa Clarita, CA. That's eBook, 12 Signs That Your Child May Be A Bully, will be out and available as a FREE eBook download on Friday, June 4th! GET YOURS THAT DAY and learn how to protect and help your children.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Myth #1: Bullying is nothing more than a conflict between kids.
Here is the second excerpt from my free eBook coming out June 4th. Bullying is nothing more than a conflict between kids. I'm afraid not. Bullying is a lot different from having a conflict. A conflict is a disagreement between two people and can usually be solved. Bullying involves a power imbalance and is usually repeated over more than one occasion. It concerns one child victimizing another child who has trouble defending him or herself. Yes, bullying is done by girls as well as boys. Come by tomorrow and get the 3rd excerpt from the book! Meanwhile, enjoy the site and ENTER the contest!!! It's in full swing and I've already had quite a few responses!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Contest Time!
Well, today's the day--the contest begins and I'll be providing an excerpt from my free eBook coming out Friday, June 4th! First things first: The Contest. This is for everyone aged 5-16. Between now and Thursday, June 3, I will be accepting entries from everyone on their ideas of how to prevent bullying. This can include written and/or drawings. Show me or tell me what you would do to prevent the situation from happening, as well as how to stop it when you find it occurring. I will choose one entry from each age group (5-7, 8-10, 11-13, 14-16) and the winners will be announced the day the book is published and available! Winners will also be posted during the week following the contest, one on each day. Prizes include gift cards for iTunes and Barnes & Noble, t-shirts, hats, and cool accessories! Send your entries to: Put eBook contest in the subject heading. ENTER TODAY!!!
Now, here is an excerpt from the book, 12 Signs Your Child May Be A Bully. It is from the section, Myths About Bullying. Bullies don't have many friends. Actually, the opposite is true. Kids that bully usually have a lot of friends. Those friends are their support system and are the ones that encourage the bully to continue in his/her behavior. Children that bully usually have high leadership skills, as well as being extroverts.
Next week, I'll have more excerpts and also, a quiz for kids to take! Have a great weekend and don't forget to ENTER THE CONTEST! Good luck!
Now, here is an excerpt from the book, 12 Signs Your Child May Be A Bully. It is from the section, Myths About Bullying. Bullies don't have many friends. Actually, the opposite is true. Kids that bully usually have a lot of friends. Those friends are their support system and are the ones that encourage the bully to continue in his/her behavior. Children that bully usually have high leadership skills, as well as being extroverts.
Next week, I'll have more excerpts and also, a quiz for kids to take! Have a great weekend and don't forget to ENTER THE CONTEST! Good luck!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
This Crazy World!
What a lot of excitement in the news today! First off, congratulations to John Travolta and his wife, Kelly on their announcement of the new baby on the way. Exciting! Also, as a dog owner for most of my life, I share their sorrow in the news that their dogs were killed while being walked at the airport. Our condolences to the Travolta family.
In other news, related to animals, the first sea turtle was rescued as a result of being harmed by the Gulf oil spill. I can't even begin to imagine the horrific effects this spill is going to have on the environment. The government needs to institute tighter controls and laws on these oil companies so that things like this won't happen. If stricter requirements are imposed on the freighters as far as maintainance and such, as well as better decision-making and responsibility on behalf of the crews, there would be less chance of accidents.
On the writing side of things, I have an eBook coming out in a couple of weeks that I will be offering as a FREE DOWNLOAD. It is entitled, 12 Signs That Your Child May Be A Bully. Many of you participated last week in the poll I had on my blog here about whether or not you had been bullied in school at one time. 69% responded yes! I will be posting some key points excerpted from my eBook off and on during the next few weeks, as well as starting a contest. It will be posted on Friday, May 21 and will run for the 2 weeks leading up to the eBook's release date. ENTER FRIDAY!
In other news, related to animals, the first sea turtle was rescued as a result of being harmed by the Gulf oil spill. I can't even begin to imagine the horrific effects this spill is going to have on the environment. The government needs to institute tighter controls and laws on these oil companies so that things like this won't happen. If stricter requirements are imposed on the freighters as far as maintainance and such, as well as better decision-making and responsibility on behalf of the crews, there would be less chance of accidents.
On the writing side of things, I have an eBook coming out in a couple of weeks that I will be offering as a FREE DOWNLOAD. It is entitled, 12 Signs That Your Child May Be A Bully. Many of you participated last week in the poll I had on my blog here about whether or not you had been bullied in school at one time. 69% responded yes! I will be posting some key points excerpted from my eBook off and on during the next few weeks, as well as starting a contest. It will be posted on Friday, May 21 and will run for the 2 weeks leading up to the eBook's release date. ENTER FRIDAY!
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Love the writing life!
I'm a writer and have been told that it is hard work. I don't think writing articles and books is the hard part, I think being a single mom and trying to learn how to market myself is the hard part! Writing comes fairly easy to me--I feel like an idea factory! It takes time to edit the rough drafts and all, but the key to successful writing is the business part of it: marketing. If nobody knows you or your book/articles, then you're not going to sell much. The most time-consuming part is learning all about how to market myself. Once I get more accomplished at it, then it will go by faster and become easier (then I can spend more time writing!). What also takes time is parenting. I have a 10 yr. old son at home and my now 22 yr. old daughter is on her own, but they never really reach the point where they don't need you! We talk to each other daily (even though we are several hours away from one another!) and see each other at least a couple of times a month. She has a young son and I think that aspect has drawn us even closer. Parenting definitely takes a lot of time and single parenting even more. If only there were more hours in the day--but then I would probably fill them with more of what I'm doing now, now with ways to relax! Don't get me wrong; I wouldn't change a thing about my life. Being a parent and a writer is heaven. I can't think of anything else I would rather do.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Trump Network On The Move!
Just got back from a great weekend in Las Vegas where I was invited to hear Donald Trump speak about his newest business launch, Trump Network. He is a very humorous speaker and I have to say, I agree with everything he said in his presentation! It was not only about being a successful entrepreneur, but also his views on different topics. I was motivated to achieve whatever my dream is and believe it will happen. Trump Network is all about health and doing the best for yourself and others that you can. They have a unique line of products that include vitamins, skincare, weightloss, and more. The vitamins are individualized to each person's body needs and therefore, you are taking only what is required by your body. I am definitely going to be a client after what I heard and researched. The company used to be Ideal Health. Some friends of mine, Dennis and Gail Mather, have been involved with it for awhile and love the financial freedom it gives them as well.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Just saw a hilarious video about a family who rescued and nourished a baby deer back to life. They took this video about the deer and their dog playing ball and tag.
Monday, May 10, 2010
What's Up With Bullying?
As I promised, I am going to include some excerpts over the next couple of weeks about my eBook that is coming out. First, I want to see if this topic brings back any bad school memories. I'm going to include a poll on the site this week for people to answer. Think about when you were in school--elementary, middle school, or high school--were you ever bullied? Keep in mind that bullying includes not only physical aggressiveness, but verbal and social inclusion as well. For example: teasing children in a mean way, writing mean notes about someone, harassing someone, not letting someone play with you and your friends, not being allowed to sit at a particular lunch table, texting or IMing mean things about someone, etc. It goes on and on. I deal with it all in my book. Think back and try to remember if you were ever a victim of bullying and then answer the poll. Please feel free to comment about your responses or share stories that you remember. Thanks!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Great music!
Just heard about Mercy Me and the cd is in the top 40 in sales! Check it out and let me know how you like it! I think it's pretty cool myself. Another great band is Kerygma. They are fairly new but they rock! Their 1st cd is Enter In and is mine and my son's favorite group right now.
Mother's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers! I will be getting together with my parents, my daughter and her family, my son, and my sisters. My sister don't have kids, but they have had dogs for the past 12 years, so my son is making them a card because he says they have been mothers to the dogs! Too cute! Since I'm home most of the time, writing and taking care of all the kids, I am the favorite 'aunt'. It will be the first meeting between our rescue dog, Marlowe, and the rest of the family. Should be interesting. He loves attention and kisses everyone-including the other two dogs! My grandson will adore him I'm sure.

Thursday, May 6, 2010
New eBook!
Well, I'm almost done with my first eBook and I have to say I'm pretty excited! It gives a lot of information about bullying in the schools (which has escalated in recent months) and includes tips, strategies, signs, and more for adults and kids. It also includes a quiz for young people to take to find out if they fit the definition of bully. I will be including some of the excerpts from my eBook next week and information on a contest that will be posted on my Check out my website and sign up to be on my priority list whereas you will be given advance notice of books coming out, special events and contests, and upcoming interviews/book signings!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
New Family Member!
Our house has taken on some new changes! We just adopted a rescue dog this past weekend (which is why I haven't had time to blog!) and had to finish up some landscaping projects in a hurry before the home inspection! We passed Saturday and were able to bring home our newest baby-a 5 yr. old Shepard/Chow mix that looks part hyena and part coyote! We named him Marlowe. He is a welcome addition to our family which includes two other Shepard/Chow mixes, though they are 12 and 13 yrs. old. Everyone is getting along great and he appears not to have any bad habits, just needs to learn how to do his business outside, and how to listen! He is a big kisser and very friendly. He also loves to play with toys and the tennis ball! We will be taking him and our other 2 dogs to Lake Tahoe in July for our annual camping trip. It will be fun to see how he likes the mountains and lake! We did come across bears the last two summers, so hopefully we won't have any close encounters this year (from afar is okay!)
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Ft. Tejon, California
WOW! I just had the most incredible experience...I returned yesterday from a two-day adventure with my son and about 35 other people. We literally stepped back into time as we visited a unique place called Fort Tejon. It is near the Grapevine off the freeway (Interstate 5) and about 45 minutes north of Santa Clarita, California. It is the only existing fort out of the 150 forts built in this state that still has some of the original buildings! Fort Tejon State Historical Park has many fantastic programs during the year such as Civil War re-enactments, Dragoon Battles, and it's unique Student Living History program, which I was honored to be a part of. The staff at the park are dressed in period (1850's) costumes and the children are given calvary jackets to wear. We then spent the next day and a half watching and participating in 'stations': drills, candlemaking, laundry (with washboards!), blacksmithing, carpentry, cooking (in/over the fireplace and fire pit!), adobe brick making, etc. The kids also played games, sang songs, and everyone participated in the evening patrol walk as well as the firing of the cannon. It was a magnificent experience that unfortunately may not last. With California's fiscal problems and budget cuts, Fort Tejon is at risk for being shut down unless we can do something about it. Write letters, donate, raise money.....anything! I personally am doing all the above. We cannot let this living historical experience disappear! It is not only a part of California history, but a part of American history as well! Do what you can to protect what is left. If for no other reason, do it for our kids and their kids and the soldiers who fought there to save and protect our country.
Friday, April 23, 2010
I was a teacher and single parent (as well as a writer) until last year when I didn't get re-hired. I consider myself still a teacher, though the government is not paying me anymore! I teach my children, my grandson, and others through interactions and through my writing. I have been devoting myself to being a successful writer, mom, and legacy-maker. I think that's a new position! A legacy-maker is one who cares about the type of person they are; what kind of role model they illustrate through their actions and words. It is also the intentional act of interacting with others and with the environment. I want to leave a very positive legacy behind, one that says, "Shelly was a very caring person. She did a lot for the environment, her family, and others." I know I can achieve this through my actions, my writings, and the values I raise my children and grandchild with. Life is always changing and unknowing. It can be a fun challenge and experience as well as sometimes being a tragic hardship. Through my faith, my family, and my writing, I will be able to overcome whatever obstacles come my way!
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