Thursday, July 1, 2010

Parenting Boys

My son is 10...he does it very well! I am learning that what "experts" say is true: parenting boys is different from parenting girls. I'm sure those of you in the same boat will agree. I raised a girl and she was tough in the beginning, softening in her late teens, and then settled into a wonderful young woman now raising her own child--a boy. My son has been the opposite; he was the sweetest child you could ever imagine. He had great manners, always happy, full of energy, and smart as a whip. He was always ready to please. Then he started school. I think someone took my child and exchanged him for someone else! He was still smart and full of energy, but all of a sudden, he began to be a little more independent than I was comfortable with. Let's just say he brought home more than homework! He began showing a stubborn streak and bit of a temper that reminded me all too much of his sister (and father!). He's still happy-go-lucky, most of the time; and still likes to help out and please others, if he's not busy doing other things! He has definitely come to the age when a boy changes from being a small child to becoming a young man. I'm not ready for this! I did some research and found out that boys can be more sensitive and attached to mom than girls, at least until they are teens. I also found out that boys require, and want, more discipline and affirmations that they are doing well. They need to know things are okay and they are loved. My son is definitely getting that-all of that! Maybe I'm not doing too bad after all. :)

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